At the 2018 Winter Conference in Chicago, Members’ Council approved Women in ASHRAE (WiA) as an official chapter-level committee. This means that chapters now have the option to designate a chapter WiA Chair. This vote recognizes the importance of WiA alongside standing committees like Membership Promotion, Research Promotion, Student Activities, and YEA and puts forth a challenge to all Chapters to start the initiative in their communities.
Our Mission
The mission of the Women in ASHRAE (WiA) committee is to promote the addition and retention of women in the built environment by encouraging opportunities for professional development and leadership. We strive to unite women from various occupations including engineering, construction, project management, property development & ownership, equipment sales & manufacturing, architecture and more. We hope to foster mentoring relationships among these professions to create a network of women supporting women in our Region.
Get Involved
With this committee being so new, there is a lot of room to get involved and assist with our goals. There are a couple upcoming events (open to both men and women) that we encourage you to attend where you can learn more about this exciting opportunity and share any thoughts you may have about how we can best promote Women in ASHRAE!