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Welcome to the
Communications Committee Page!
Think of the Communications Committee as the Chapter marketing team. Our role is to market, Chapter Membership, events, and ASHRAE participation. Many tools and templates are available below to help, but if you don't see what you are looking for, please ask. We would love to help you succeed.

ASHRAE Communications Committee Office Hours
Office Hours provide an informative and interactive space for ASHRAE members to connect with members from the Communications Committee, learn the latest communications trends, ask questions, and receive assistance from resident experts. Any interested ASHRAE member is encouraged to attend an Office Hour. See when the next Office Hour will take place and watch recordings HERE.
Links to Tools, Tips, & Tricks
Social Media & Email

Additional Resources
What is the best way to succeed as a Chapter Communication Chair? Use the PAOE Program as your guide. The Chair with the most points at the end of the year will receive an award at the Region X CRC, so good luck!
Here is a list of the PAOE points that can be used as a guideline for your role as Communications Chair:

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