Attention Region X Chapter President-Elects!
Congratulations on reaching mid-year of your president-elect phase! I sure hope you are enjoying every minute of it and loving it!
In preparation for our upcoming CRC and your chapter presidency, we will have our President-Elect Training (PET) on Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 7am-3pm at the Courtyard Marriott LAX (6161 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA).
We will have an “Icebreaker Dinner” on Friday night to give us time to get to know each other and have fun (before we work hard). Below is the schedule.
Friday, April 13, 2018
5:30 PM: Cocktails
6:00 PM: Icebreaker Dinner
Saturday, April 14, 2018
7:00 AM: Breakfast
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Training with working lunch
To register, please go to www.regionx.org/training